Spring is surely coming
The two “surviving” photography studios in the “shotengai” 深川資料館道り商店街; Asahi and Kannondo, both in corner locations. Photo Studios 写真館 were popular for taking family and other formal portraits -and still are to a lesser degree.
Asahi Photo Store 旭写真店 Miyoshi 1-5-7
Kannondo Photo Studio 観音堂写真館 Shirakawa 2-5-14
When you come to Kiyosumi-Shirakawa check out old pictures of Fukagawa in the corner of Tamakiya, where another photo store used to be.
photo 写真 (shashin)
photo studio 写真館 (shashinkan)
shopping street 商店街 (shotengai)
Updated 2016.4.10